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Journal of American Drama and Theatre (JADT)

JADT publishes thoughtful and innovative work by leading scholars on theatre, drama, and performance in the Americas – past and present. 

ISSN Number: 2376-4236

Entries under this journal are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International license.

Curren Issue

Current Issue

Volume 37 Issue 1


Editorial Introduction

Bess Rowen and Benjamin Gillespie


A Comedy of Sorts: Race, Gender, and Satire in Slave Play

Catherine Heiner


Performing Girlhood, Riffing on Lolita: Fornés and Vogel Respond to Nabokov

Alisa Zhulina


“It’s Cumming yet for a’ that”: Bringing the Scottish Bard to Life in the 21st Century

Thomas Keith


Historiographic Metatheatre and Narrative Closure in Pippin’s Alternate “Theo Ending”

Allan Johnson


“Each One, Teach One”: Interview with Harvey Fierstein

James F. Wilson


Artists as Theorists in Their Craft: Interview with James Ijames

Bess Rowen


The Spectacular Theatre of Frank Joseph Galati: Reshaping American Theatre in Chicago, Illinois. Julie Jackson. London: Methuen Drama, Bloomsbury Publishing. 2022. 215pp.

Jane Barnette


Playing Real: Mimesis, Media, and Mischief. Lindsay Brandon Hunter. Evanston, Illinois: Northwestern University Press, 2021; Pp. 192.

Nicholas Orvis


Broadway Bodies: A Critical History of Conformity. Ryan Donovan. New York: Oxford University Press, 2023; Pp. 316.

Zach Dailey


Precarious Forms. Performing Utopia in the Neoliberal Americas. Evanston. Candice Amich. Northwestern University Press: 2020; Pp. 232.

Sebastián Eddowes-Vargas


Queering Drag: Redefining the Discourse of Gender Bending. Meredith Heller. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2020; Pp. 236.

Kelly I. Aliano


New England Theatre Journal: A fond farewell 1989-2023

Stuart J. Hecht, (former) Editor in Chief, New England Theatre Journal


New England Theatre in Review

Martha Schmoyer LoMonaco, (former) Editor, New England Theatre in Review


American Repertory Theater . Cambridge, Massachusetts, 2023–2024

Stephen Kuehler
Harvard University


Barrington Stage. Pittsfield, Massachusetts, 2023

Steven Otfinoski
Fairfield University


The Sandra Feinstein-Gamm Theatre (The Gamm). Warwick, Rhode Island, 2023-24

Tom Grady. Bristol Community College


Greater Boston’s Independent Theatres. 2023-24 Season

Paul E. Fallon. Cambridge, Massachusetts


Hartford Stage. Hartford, Connecticut, 2023-24

Jan Mason
Western Connecticut State University


The Huntington. Boston, Massachusetts, 2023-24

Paul E. Fallon
Cambridge, Massachusetts


Long Wharf Theatre. New Haven, Connecticut, 2023-24

Karl G. Ruling
Milford, Connecticut


Portland Stage Company. Portland, Maine, 2023-24

Megan Grumbling
University of New England, Southern Maine Community College


Shakespeare & Company. Lenox, Massachusetts, 2023

Steven Ofinoski
Fairfield University


Trinity Repertory Theatre Company. Providence, Rhode Island, 2023-24

Tom Grady
Bristol Community College


Vermont Stage. Burlington, Vermont, 2023-24

Angela Sweigart-Gallagher
St. Lawrence University


Yale Repertory Theatre. New Haven, Connecticut, 2023-24

Martha Schmoyer LoMonaco, emerita
Fairfield University

Curren Issue

Current Issue

Editorial Introduction

Editorial Introduction

“It’s Cumming yet for a’ that”: Bringing the Scottish Bard to Life in the 21st Century

“It’s Cumming yet for a’ that”: Bringing the Scottish Bard to Life in the 21st Century

Artists as Theorists in Their Craft: Interview with James Ijames

Artists as Theorists in Their Craft: Interview with James Ijames

Broadway Bodies: A Critical History of Conformity. Ryan Donovan. New York: Oxford University Press, 2023; Pp. 316.

Broadway Bodies: A Critical History of Conformity. Ryan Donovan. New York: Oxford University Press, 2023; Pp. 316.

New England Theatre Journal: A fond farewell 1989-2023

New England Theatre Journal: A fond farewell 1989-2023

Barrington Stage. Pittsfield, Massachusetts, 2023

Barrington Stage. Pittsfield, Massachusetts, 2023

Hartford Stage. Hartford, Connecticut, 2023-24

Hartford Stage. Hartford, Connecticut, 2023-24

Portland Stage Company. Portland, Maine, 2023-24

Portland Stage Company. Portland, Maine, 2023-24

Vermont Stage. Burlington, Vermont, 2023-24

Vermont Stage. Burlington, Vermont, 2023-24

A Comedy of Sorts: Race, Gender, and Satire in Slave Play

A Comedy of Sorts: Race, Gender, and Satire in Slave Play

Historiographic Metatheatre and Narrative Closure in Pippin’s Alternate “Theo Ending”

Historiographic Metatheatre and Narrative Closure in Pippin’s Alternate “Theo Ending”

The Spectacular Theatre of Frank Joseph Galati: Reshaping American Theatre in Chicago, Illinois. Julie Jackson. London: Methuen Drama, Bloomsbury Publishing. 2022. 215pp.

The Spectacular Theatre of Frank Joseph Galati: Reshaping American Theatre in Chicago, Illinois. Julie Jackson. London: Methuen Drama, Bloomsbury Publishing. 2022. 215pp.

Precarious Forms. Performing Utopia in the Neoliberal Americas. Evanston. Candice Amich. Northwestern University Press: 2020; Pp. 232.

Precarious Forms. Performing Utopia in the Neoliberal Americas. Evanston. Candice Amich. Northwestern University Press: 2020; Pp. 232.

New England Theatre in Review

New England Theatre in Review

The Sandra Feinstein-Gamm Theatre (The Gamm). Warwick, Rhode Island, 2023-24

The Sandra Feinstein-Gamm Theatre (The Gamm). Warwick, Rhode Island, 2023-24

The Huntington. Boston, Massachusetts, 2023-24

The Huntington. Boston, Massachusetts, 2023-24

Shakespeare & Company. Lenox, Massachusetts, 2023

Shakespeare & Company. Lenox, Massachusetts, 2023

Yale Repertory Theatre. New Haven, Connecticut, 2023-24

Yale Repertory Theatre. New Haven, Connecticut, 2023-24

Performing Girlhood, Riffing on Lolita: Fornés and Vogel Respond to Nabokov

Performing Girlhood, Riffing on Lolita: Fornés and Vogel Respond to Nabokov

“Each One, Teach One”: Interview with Harvey Fierstein

“Each One, Teach One”: Interview with Harvey Fierstein

Playing Real: Mimesis, Media, and Mischief. Lindsay Brandon Hunter. Evanston, Illinois: Northwestern University Press, 2021; Pp. 192.

Playing Real: Mimesis, Media, and Mischief. Lindsay Brandon Hunter. Evanston, Illinois: Northwestern University Press, 2021; Pp. 192.

Queering Drag: Redefining the Discourse of Gender Bending. Meredith Heller. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2020; Pp. 236.

Queering Drag: Redefining the Discourse of Gender Bending. Meredith Heller. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2020; Pp. 236.

American Repertory Theater . Cambridge, Massachusetts, 2023–2024

American Repertory Theater . Cambridge, Massachusetts, 2023–2024

Greater Boston’s Independent Theatres. 2023-24 Season

Greater Boston’s Independent Theatres. 2023-24 Season

Long Wharf Theatre. New Haven, Connecticut, 2023-24

Long Wharf Theatre. New Haven, Connecticut, 2023-24

Trinity Repertory Theatre Company. Providence, Rhode Island, 2023-24

Trinity Repertory Theatre Company. Providence, Rhode Island, 2023-24

Past Issue


We are in the process of moving all past journal entries to the current websiite. Please bear with us as we make this transition. You can view all the past issues at
For any queries or clarifications, write to us at
About & Submission Guideline

About The Journal

History and Mission


Founded in 1989, JADT is a widely acclaimed peer-reviewed journal publishing thoughtful and innovative work by leading scholars on theatre, drama, and performance in the Americas—past and present. The journal’s provocative articles provide valuable insight and information on the heritage of American theatre, as well as its continuing contribution to world literature and the performing arts. JADT is fully online and freely accessible. 


Our aim is to promote research on theatre of the Americas and to encourage historical and theoretical approaches to plays, playwrights, performances, and popular theatre traditions. Studies of dramatic texts from a purely literary perspective are outside the scope of the journal. 

“I see American Drama and Theatre as a primary means of reflecting the excitement and progress of our language, our culture, our democracy, our social concerns and our historical roots as Americans. No better opportunity exists for understanding, or for contributing to our understanding, of our American world, past or present, than the Journal of American Drama and Theatre, as shown by the excellence of its past performance and the promise of its future.”

– Walter Meserve

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Submission Guidelines

The editors of the Journal of American Drama and Theatre (JADT) are now accepting submissions for essays on any topics relating to theatre, drama, and popular entertainments of the Americas for consideration. Please submit completed manuscripts to We accept submission on a rolling basis. Please email the editors with any inquiries. 


Article manuscripts should be 6,000 to 8,000 words in length and prepared in conformity with the Chicago Manual of Style using footnotes. Completed manuscripts should be submitted as Microsoft Word attachments via e-mail to using Microsoft Word. Articles will be peer reviewed, so please allow 3 to 4 months for a decision. If you are submitting images, please provide the images and captions with your submission. (Please Note: images should be at least 300dpi and authors are responsible for securing permissions prior to submission). Please include a short bio with your submission. 

Performance Reviews

JADT now publishes performance reviews on theatre, drama, and performance in the Americas. Single reviews are usually 800 to 1,200 words in length. Please refer to these guidelines when submitting performance reviews. We encourage authors to contact the editors in advance to propose a review at

Book Reviews

JADT also publishes book reviews of monographs published within the last three years. This list of recommended and nominated titles for review is refreshed annually. Reviews are usually no more than 1000 words; refer to these guidelines when submitting book reviews. To propose a book review in advance, please contact the editors at


Editorial Board

Benjamin Gillespie, Bess Rowen


Stephanie Lim

Book Review Editor

Seth Wilson

Performance Review Editor

Brittany Vicars, Pune Dracker

Journal Assistants

Vera Mowry Roberts, Walter Meserve

Founding Editors

David Savran

Advisory Editor

Martin E. Segal Theatre Center

Marvin Carlson

Director of Publications

Frank Hentschker

Executive Director

Gaurav Singh Nijjer

Digital and Web Coordinator

Advisory Board

Michael Y. Bennett
Kevin Byrne
Tracey Elaine Chessum
Bill Demastes
Stuart Hecht
Jorge Huerta
Amy E. Hughes
David Krasner
Esther Kim Lee
Kim Marra
Ariel Nereson
Beth Osborne
Jordan Schildcrout
Robert Vorlicky
Maurya Wickstrom

James F. Wilson
Stacy Wolf



© 2023

Martin E. Segal Theatre Center, The CUNY Graduate Center

365 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10016-4309 | ph: 212-817-1860 |

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